
On this page we summarise all the news about Biorelax® and the Kleinsche fields for you.

The winner of the BioRelax® campaign "Experiences with BioRelax®"

Congratulations: Sonja Albano from Tyrol has made it. She was chosen by lottery as the winner of the main prize in our "Experiences with BioRelax®" campaign. She is now looking forward to an intensive week of regeneration at the Swiss Mountan Clinic (worth CHF 3,600)


Swiss Mountain Clinic - Successful with Kleinsche fields

Since the beginning of 2021, the Swiss Mountain Clinic has incorporated Kleinsche fields into its treatment concept with great success. Clinic management Ulf Wiechel, Dr Petra Wiechel and Dr Friderike Wiechel commented: "We are grateful to be able to use the Kleinsche fields for our patients during treatments and in everyday life. It's not just us personally who notice more energy and strength when we sleep on Kleinsche fields"...


Kleinsche fields successful in boxing

Senad Gashi is a German professional boxer and multiple world heavyweight champion (WBF, GBU & GBF). He is professionally supported by an international top trainer team, nutritionists and a medical department. Senad Gashi says: "I am grateful for that. I am physically in top shape, I owe that also to Kleinsche fields, which help me to regenerate my body faster."